Kate Hall

Kate Hall

What made you apply to the position of BAPEN Communications Officer?

I applied to the position of BAPEN Comms Officer for the opportunity to give something back and be able to work with others to try and make a difference. I wanted to be more involved in BAPEN and I saw this role as a great way to do this.

What have you most enjoyed working on in your role so far?

I have really enjoyed working with and getting to know the other Council members and Executive, as well as the members. It’s safe to say that I cannot perform my role without the help, support and input from everyone else. We all very much work as a team in a very positive environment.

How important do you think effective communications is for BAPEN? What have you learnt in your position?

Effective communication for BAPEN is really important because we are a virtual team of volunteers. This means that good communication keeps us on track, avoids duplication, and strengthens our collective voice. Agreed priorities and efficient use of time is pivotal for the charity to achieve its aims. I have learnt a lot and continue to do so, which is something I really enjoy about the role. Furthermore, working closely with M&F Health – our communications agency – means there is the expertise in place to help guide us and provide recommendations for other ways for us to communicate more effectively, both within and external to BAPEN.

How has your work as a dietitian influenced you in your role as Communications Officer?

Good question and not sure I can answer this one so easily. I think my natural intrigue and wanting to share best practice and learn from one another, together with my desire to help to link people up are all things that being a communications officer offered. The role has given me the excuse to contact others to learn from which has helped me in my day job as well! Communication is so important in everything we do, whoever you are and wherever you are. This role is brilliant for championing that!

In what ways does the BAPEN Executive work together to further BAPEN’s aims?

As an Executive there is a great mix of disciplines within the BAPEN leadership team. Hopefully people are able to see that in the updates that come through in the BAPEN members’ newsletter, ‘In Touch’.

What do you hope to achieve in your time on the BAPEN Executive?

In my time on the BAPEN Executive, I hope to help raise awareness of who BAPEN is and what BAPEN stands for. On top of this, playing a small part with others in helping everyone within the organisation meet BAPEN’s objectives which ‘puts patients at the centre of nutritional care’.

Why do you think people should get involved with BAPEN?

Getting involved with BAPEN is a great way to learn new, and further develop, your skills. There are many different ways to get involved, whether that be through social media interaction, participating in task and finish groups, being involved in one of the committees, or becoming part of the Executive. If anyone is considering or wants to find out more, please get in touch with any of us on Executive or Council as we’d be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Or just get in touch with the BAPEN office as we would love to hear from you!