The ESPEN Life Long Learning (LLL) programme in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism is an extremely effective educational programme for doctors and all health professionals with an interest in clinical nutrition. It offers on-line training modules and live courses which can lead to the award of a Diploma in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism.
The LLL programme in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism is based on an Educational curriculum offering 120 training modules (90 are already available on-line) created and peer reviewed by recognized European experts. The on-line modules are freely accessible on-line and consist of an up to date review of the topic, clinical cases, self-assessment tests and a grading quiz.
Live courses provide intensive training and certification. The annual schedule of live courses is available on the ESPEN website.
Credits are awarded at live courses and for on-line training. Participation in a live course on one topic provides 3 CME credits. Each topic taken on-line provides up to 4 CME credits according to activities undertaken. A total of 120 credits are required to obtain the ESPEN Diploma in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism.
You need 100 credits (50-60 from the on-line modules and 40-50 from live courses) to be eligible to sit the final LLL exam. Passing the exam gives the final 20 credits required to be awarded the Diploma.
The LLL Programme in Nutrition and Metabolism is a global effort of ESPEN supported by the EU to provide post-graduate qualifications in Clinical Nutrition and thus to improve daily practice. It was developed as the project BG-03-B-F-PP-166039 of Leonardo da Vinci Programme by ESPEN and a number of European universities with the support of European Union. The LLL Programme in Nutrition and Metabolism is accredited by Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes.
BAPEN Medical has run 2 LLL modules in the UK to date, with plans for a further module on Nutrition in Respiratory Disease in December 2012.
BAPEN Medical and the BAPEN Clinical Guidance and Education Committee are working together to enable further LLL modules to be run in the UK to make it easier for UK trainees in all professions to obtain a recognised qualification in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism.