BIFA is a special interest group within BAPEN. Though interested in both acute and chronic intestinal failure its principal focus is on specialised IF services. It consists therefore of healthcare professionals involved or interested in home parenteral nutrition (HPN) and the management of Type 2 intestinal failure. Its focus is pan-UK, adult and paediatric, and multiprofessional. Membership of BIFA is open to those who are individual members of BAPEN or affiliate members through a Core Group of BAPEN.
- To provide a multi-professional forum enabling communication between those health professionals in the UK who provide HPN to adults and children.
- To foster excellence in the provision of HPN and in the management of Type 2 intestinal failure in the UK through communication, education, research and audit.
- To foster, develop and support networks to assist clinicians in the management of Type 2 intestinal failure and delivery of HPN across the UK.
- To assist BAPEN and other external organisations where appropriate in any matters relating to HPN or acute intestinal failure.
- To organise regular meetings of interest to its members which may have an organisational, audit, educational, or scientific content.
- To assist in the development of consistent and best practice across the UK for activities related to HPN or the management of type 2 intestinal failure. This might include guideline development, setting up a communications network for support and advice amongst its members, guidance on organisational matters, and relevant audit and research activities.
- Membership of the group will be open free of charge to any health professional who has an interest in HPN or Type 2 intestinal failure and who is a member of BAPEN (as above)
- The group will be a deemed a Special Interest Group within BAPEN, and therefore will adhere to the BAPEN Constitution.
- The Chair of the group will liaise closely with the Chair of the British Artificial Nutrition Survey (BANS) and these two individuals will link with an honorary secretary to form a committee, which may be expanded in time to six to eight individuals. The chair will represent HPN on BAPEN council.
- The committee will communicate by email, but may exceptionally arrange meetings.
- The group as a whole will communicate via email.
- The group will hold regular meetings to support its aims and objectives.
- The activities of the group will be reported to the BAPEN Executive Committee and to Council by the Chair of the committee.
- Finances : Expenses incurred by Committee members will be reimbursed by BAPEN following receipt of an expenses claim form. Meetings of the group will be organised in line with BAPEN guidelines and all costs involved recorded in the BAPEN accounts.
Members of the Committee
- Jeremy Nightingale (Chair / Physician)
- Kirstine Farrer (Secretary / PENG / Dietitian)
- Phil Stevens (Scotland / Surgeon)
- Maeve Green / Carol Irwin (Dietitians joint post, Northern Ireland Representatives)
- Alex Speakman (Pharmacist and BIFA Wales representative)
- Trevor Smith (ex-BAPEN President / Physician)
- Simon Gabe (ex-BAPEN President / Physician)
- Michael Glynn (Physician)
- Simon Lal (Physician)
- Jeremy Woodward (Physician)
- Theodoric Wong (BSPGHAN / Paediatrician)
- Alison Young (NNNG / Nurse)
- Nicky Wyer (PENG Dietetic Clinical Lead – Intestinal Failure & Nutrition Support)
- Graeme Doherty (BPNG Specialist Clinical Pharmacist)
- Mia Small (HPN network chairman/ BANS / Nurse)
- Carolyn Wheatley (Chair of PINNT / Patient)